ADTEK Vietnam Office - Văn Phòng ADTEK VIỆT NAM

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Mã sản phẩm APM
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Bộ chuyển đổi tín hiệu nhiều kênh Đầu vào mV,mA, TP100,K,S,B... Đầu ra RS485 Modbus RTU, WIFI Modbus TCP, Ethernet modbus TCP

Hỗ trợ mua hàng

  • 0987599957 - 01222544688

APM Series remote I/O module is primarily designed for use in data collection and discrete system. APM series modules provide fine liability and maintenance efficiency so as to optimize industrial measurement and monitoring.

For metering functional signals, such as, temperature, voltage, current, and power parameter of AC/DC. In addition, various modules for digital input and output are available to integrate into system according to user's needs.

Standard with RS-485 Modbus RTU communication interface, and Ethernet or WiFi Modbus RTU communication is optional to be added to the existed network.

The multi-loops and compact design of modules maximizes the space use and achieves high-density metering loops. APM series modules with LED indication are able to make intelligent monitoring and troubleshooting. And the Push-in termination design could save time for wiring and maintaining.


Tải Datasheet tại đây

Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
  • Khu vực TP. HCM Tel: 08 56 44 55 88
  • Mobile: 0772 544 688

  • QR Code zalo 0987599957


Khu vực TP. Hà Nội

  • Tel: 024 36 52 53 95
  • Mobile1: 098 75 999 57
  • QR CODE ZALO 0987599957
  • Mobile2: 0856 44 55 88
  • Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật ĐT: 0772544 688
  • QR CODE ZALO 0856445588

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